.. meta:: :description: Android A/B testing client setup Arise Android SDK ***************** This documentation will help you to install the Arise Android client in your application. Installation steps ================== 1. Add the Arise library to your project ---------------------------------------- First, download the `Arise library jar file`_ and drag it inside your project's /libs/ folder. .. _`Arise library jar file`: https://s3.amazonaws.com/ariseio/Arise-Android-2.2.jar 2. Add permissions ------------------- In your project, right click on AndroidManifest.xml Click on Open With/Android Common XML Editor. Add after the tag: .. code-block:: xml 3. Initialize the framework --------------------------- In the onCreate function of your main activity, you need to initialize the framework: .. code-block:: java // Initialize the arise library String authKey = "9c51b5e8f06ebd26728f29954365098f052c68c8"; Arise.initialize(getApplicationContext(), authKey); Replace the value of authKey by your own key. You can find in your dashboard. 4. Get the experiment value --------------------------- When you plan to run the experiment, you will need to call the getVariationWithListener to get the experiment data: .. code-block:: java // Get and setup the variation ABTest.getVariationWithListener(new VariationListener() { @Override public void onVariationAvailable(String value) { final String buyMessage = value; } }); 5. Record events ---------------- Now that you have setup your application for testing, you will need to record views and conversion events. Record a view: .. code-block:: java ABTest.recordView(); Record a conversion: .. code-block:: java ABTest.recordConversion(); Full code example ================== .. code-block:: java package com.example.shoestore; import io.arise.ABTest; import io.arise.Arise; import io.arise.VariationListener; import android.os.Bundle; import android.app.Activity; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // Initialize the arise library String authKey = "9c51b5e8f06ebd26728f29954365098f052c68c8"; Arise.initialize(getApplicationContext(), authKey); // Get and setup the variation ABTest.getVariationWithListener(new VariationListener() { @Override public void onVariationAvailable(String value) { // Change the button label final String buyMessage = value; // Use the buyMessage to customize our application // ... } }); } private void onLoadPurchasePage(){ // the user is viewing the item purchase page // record a view event ABTest.recordView(); } private void onPurchaseCompleted(){ // the user has bought the item // record a conversion event ABTest.recordConversion(); } } Notes ===== The Arise Android SDK supports Android 2.3.3 (API level 10) and later.