Setup your first A/B test


What is A/B testing?

Testing is a way of showing users different variations of your app, and then measuring how each variation affects your goals. For example, if you’re interested in having your users make more in-app purchases, you might test the phrase “buy more coins now!” versus “save time by buying coins”. Arise’s A/B testing tools can tell you which one will make you more money. You can also use Arise to test new in app-features, evaluate performance and roll out changes without resubmitting your app.

What is a conversion?

Tests are only good when they can measure some metric and show you which path is performing better. To help out our system, that metric should be a “conversion”. Good examples of goals are things like an in-app purchase, a new account created, or even a tap on an advertisement. We can then calculate the conversion rate (Number of conversion/ Number of views).

Getting Started

1. Create an account

If you do not have an account yet, register on the dashboard. The dashboard is your tool to configure your experiment variation.

2. Configure your variation

The current system supports only one experiment and two variations.

Variation values

Variation values will be transmitted to your app. You can experiment:

  • call to actions
  • headline, product descriptions (words, style, number of words)
  • in-app purchases (prices, multiple contents)
  • forms (types of fields, length, layout, error handling)
  • layout and design (position and grouping of content)
  • images

You need to set different values for each variation. We will consider the variation A as the default variation (control).


You can set the distribution of your variations. The total of all the variations must always be 100%. You can for example set 70% on the variation A (control) and 30% on the variation B (test). Once your app is deployed, you will be able to view the conversion rate for each variation.

3. Install the Arise SDK in your app

We currently support iOS and Android. Please read the following documentation to install the Arise SDK in your app: