Arise Android SDK

This documentation will help you to install the Arise Android client in your application.

Installation steps

1. Add the Arise library to your project

First, download the Arise library jar file and drag it inside your project’s /libs/ folder.

2. Add permissions

In your project, right click on AndroidManifest.xml Click on Open With/Android Common XML Editor. Add after the <uses-sdk .... /> tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>

3. Initialize the framework

In the onCreate function of your main activity, you need to initialize the framework:

// Initialize the arise library
String authKey = "9c51b5e8f06ebd26728f29954365098f052c68c8";
String appName = "AngryElephants";
Arise.initialize(getApplicationContext(), authKey, appName);

Replace the value of the key and the app name by your own key and your application name. You can find it on your dashboard. This function will trigger a asynchronous sync with the server (experiments values are retrieved and events are sent).

4. Get the experiment value

When you plan to run the experiment, you will need to call the getVariationWithListener with the experiment name (same as the one displayed in your dashboard) to get the experiment data. You have also to set a default value in case of no connection to the server. “Buy it now” is the default value in the following code snippet.

// Get and setup the variation
ABTest.getVariationWithListener("Experiment1", "Buy it now", new VariationListener() {
    public void onVariationAvailable(String value) {
            final String buyMessage = value;

The default value will only be printed if the application has never succeeded to connect to the server. We recommend to set the default value to the same value as your variation A value.

We also recommend to call this function as late as possible in your app.

5. Record events

Now that you have setup your application for testing, you will need to record views and conversion events. You need to provide the experiment name as a parameter to associate the events with an experiment.

Record a view:


Record a conversion:


Views and conversions events are stored on the device until an internet connection is available. Our framework does work properly even in case of no connectivity.

Full code example

package com.example.shoestore;

import io.arise.ABTest;
import io.arise.Arise;
import io.arise.VariationListener;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            // Initialize the arise library
            String authKey = "9c51b5e8f06ebd26728f29954365098f052c68c8";
            String appName = "AngryElephants";
            Arise.initialize(getApplicationContext(), authKey, appName);

            // Get and setup the variation
            ABTest.getVariationWithListener("Experiment1", "Buy it now", new VariationListener() {
                    public void onVariationAvailable(String value) {
                            // Change the button label
                            final String buyMessage = value;
                            // Use the buyMessage to customize our application
                            // ...



    private void onLoadPurchasePage(){
            // the user is viewing the item purchase page
            // record a view event

    private void onPurchaseCompleted(){
            // the user has bought the item
            // record a conversion event


The Arise Android SDK supports Android 2.3.3 (API level 10) and later.